Divya Pratap Singh

Divya Pratap Singh

Student | Data Science Enthusiast
Data science enthusiast and self-taught programmer utilising python programming language, Mathematics and Statistics to develop data driven Programs, analyse and manage Data. Have understanding how to use and process data to create data driven projects I write about my projects on my blog. Want to know how I have created my projects? Check out my projects portfolio.

My Skills

Machine Learning and Data Science

TensorFlow Keras Scikit-learn NumPy Pandas OpenCV Tabula Mediapipe

Web Development - Backend

Django Flask FastAPI Streamlit

Web Development - Frontend

HTML CSS JavaScript

Data Base


Cloud Services

Microsoft-Azure Google-Colab

Version Control and Collaboration

Git GitHub

Latest Blog Posts


My GitHub

My GitHub Contribution Graph DivyaPratapSingh Git profile.

GitHub Contribution Graph

Certifictaions I Earned